Erbil Gunasti – Film & Television Producer Geo-Political Subject Matter Expert

Erbil Writes
‘Erbil Writes’ articles focus on ‘New Turkey’ and the US Foreign Policy Objectives. The articles are posted under the headline “ALL THE NEWS THAT IS NOT FIT TO PRINT” mainly because they are revealing.
Do they challenge inquisitive minds or are they purely informative? Only readers can answer this question but all Erbil Writes articles have one thing in common. They are based on facts that are not freely available in the media in America.
Daily Mail, the world’s most read daily, based in London, regularly publishes “Erbil Writes” articles.
London’s two other major media outlets, The Sun the second most read daily and GB News also publish “Erbil Writes” articles, periodically.
Plus, there are now daily “Erbil Writes @ Substack” articles available for subscribers.

GameChanger Trump Card: Turkey & Erdogan
Authored by Erbil Gunasti, the book argues the fact that America must work with the Republic of Turkey, otherwise the sole superpower of the world, the USA, will be no more. China and India will leave it behind in the third slot when they become the leading number one and two economies in the world. The book further argues that not working with Turkey and its leadership, no matter who is in power, will put the Western Civilization into further jeopardy. For that, the argument is simple. The demography will change in the next thirty years. The world population will increase by two billion people. If only five percent of this rise in population were to travel to Western Europe, the USA will become the only bastion for the Christian White. Simply because, there will be more Asians and Muslims in Europe than any others, including the White Christians.

Struggling For One America
Co-Authored by Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti, the book tells the story of newly recently naturalized Americans fulfilling their civic duty as citizens in a very toxic environment in America. Why would two Americans, considered as geo-political subject matter experts, would mess with the dirty politics in Wash. DC? Struggling For One America reflects how America is struggling to understand what is right and wrong while these two authors have no such issues. Everything seems to be clear to them.

Emmanuel Macron: No Charles De Gaulle
REVISITING ALGERIAN REVOLUTION NOW IN PLAY, IN FRANCE! The havoc in France after a French police officer killed a seventeen year old Algerian youth is reminiscent. It was 60 years ago. Charles De Gaulle was president of the Republic. The revolt in Algiers, the Capital...

Paris Air Show Nightmare
LIKE AN HORROR MOVIE SEQUEL In 2019, something out of the ordinary took place. In 2023, it became clear that the “Paris Air Show Nightmare” was now a recurring event. What came into picture as an aircraft then, suddenly turned into a competitive product that would put...

Turkiye Can-Save F-35 But
US SENATE MUST CLEANSE ITSELF In December 2020, the US Senate passed CAATSA 231 against Turkiye. The body outright kicked the long time staunch NATO ally from the trillion dollar F-35 Lightning program. Two years later, what was once touted as a marvel of a fifth...

Biden Gambled on a Wrong-Horse
ERDOGAN WON AMERICA LOST The 46th President of the US Joe Biden gambled on a wrong-horse in the Turkish elections. His ill-advised decision before the 2020 presidential election in America will now hunt him. Biden Gambled on a Wrong-Horse The 46th president of the US...

US-Nightmare: 7-Eleven
MADE IN THE USA Türkiye was once the 7th biggest client of the US military platforms. Now, it is the 11th biggest exporter of all things military in the world. In 2022, it exported 4.4 billion dollars of it. The US was the biggest importer with 1.5 billion dollars....

Making Trump the 47th-President
VIA POLITICAL PERSECUTION? 4 April 2023 will go to the annals of American history as a day of infamy. Not only because Trump called it political persecution and election Interference at the highest level in history. What transpired ever since indicates making Trump...

Bruised American Democracy Climaxed
NEW YORK - TÜRKİYE Yesterday was a historic day in the United States. To the horror of some, but also hysteria of others, it registered to the annals of history. American Democracy clearly witnessed political persecution. The Bruised American Democracy Climaxed inside...

Ramjet Gökhan Eclipses Meteor
THERE GOES AIR DOMINANCE It is a "fait accompli" now. Reports from Türkiye have already been announced. The Turkish built Gökhan missile has already completed more than 200 test firings. That means two things. One, mass production of this superior air to air missile...

WHOSE FAULT IS IT? The New World Order has been upon us ever since the turn of the Millennia. However, not until ATLANTIC sinks and BRICS rises, it will not be fully noticeable by most everyone. In 2023, the prospect of the second major economic meltdown since 2008...

US Appointed Presidential Candidate
IN THE REPUBLIC OF TÜRKIYE There is a presidential election in the Republic of Türkiye on 14 May 2023. It takes place every five years. Current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the incumbent candidate of the three party coalition called CUMHUR alliance. His opponent...