Erbil Gunasti – Film & Television Producer Geo-Political Subject Matter Expert

Erbil Writes
‘Erbil Writes’ articles focus on ‘New Turkey’ and the US Foreign Policy Objectives. The articles are posted under the headline “ALL THE NEWS THAT IS NOT FIT TO PRINT” mainly because they are revealing.
Do they challenge inquisitive minds or are they purely informative? Only readers can answer this question but all Erbil Writes articles have one thing in common. They are based on facts that are not freely available in the media in America.
Daily Mail, the world’s most read daily, based in London, regularly publishes “Erbil Writes” articles.
London’s two other major media outlets, The Sun the second most read daily and GB News also publish “Erbil Writes” articles, periodically.
Plus, there are now daily “Erbil Writes @ Substack” articles available for subscribers.

GameChanger Trump Card: Turkey & Erdogan
Authored by Erbil Gunasti, the book argues the fact that America must work with the Republic of Turkey, otherwise the sole superpower of the world, the USA, will be no more. China and India will leave it behind in the third slot when they become the leading number one and two economies in the world. The book further argues that not working with Turkey and its leadership, no matter who is in power, will put the Western Civilization into further jeopardy. For that, the argument is simple. The demography will change in the next thirty years. The world population will increase by two billion people. If only five percent of this rise in population were to travel to Western Europe, the USA will become the only bastion for the Christian White. Simply because, there will be more Asians and Muslims in Europe than any others, including the White Christians.

Struggling For One America
Co-Authored by Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti, the book tells the story of newly recently naturalized Americans fulfilling their civic duty as citizens in a very toxic environment in America. Why would two Americans, considered as geo-political subject matter experts, would mess with the dirty politics in Wash. DC? Struggling For One America reflects how America is struggling to understand what is right and wrong while these two authors have no such issues. Everything seems to be clear to them.

No-Time: Türkiye Built F-35
WHAT WERE THE US SENATORS THINKING? On 14 December 2020, America imposed sanctions on Türkiye. The decision removed the NATO ally from the global F-35 Joint Strike Fighter partnership. I had then posed the question to the US Senators who approved the bill called...

Evil From Wash-DC In-Play
A COLLEAGUE & A FRIEND Spending four years in Wash-DC, as a delegate for Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the US, teaches a lot. Meeting a lot of wanna be bureaucrats is eye opening, but regularly mingling with those who made it is priceless. Along with...

Global Calamity Year Two
2023 EARTHQUAKE IN TÜRKİYE The Russia-Ukraine war that began on 20 February 2022 was the global calamity year one. The earthquake that took place in Türkiye on 6 February 2023 qualifies as global calamity year two. Did the third world war start with the 2020...

Growing Conspiracy Against Turkiye
A BRIDGE LONG CROSSED The latest campaign against the current regime in power in Turkiye began with an explosion. It was a bomb. A string of terrorists and agents, reportedly supported by the Western powers, detonated it. It took place in the heart of Istanbul on 13...

50 Years Later: A Coincidence?
OPENING AND CLOSING CHINA On the morning of 21 February 1972, US President Richard Nixon landed in the People’s Republic of China. On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The question is if 50 years later this is a coincidence. According to some, it is not....

America’s Futile African Appeal
A MISLEADING DEED America never cared a bit about Africa. During American hegemony on much of Planet Earth, no US president practically visited the "Dark Continent". Now that President Biden announced that he will, it is nothing but a farcical statement. In the worst...

Türkiye-China-S.Korea vs America-Israel
FIFTH GENERATION FIGHTER DATA-LINK PODS A LINCHPIN BY SDT Have you ever heard of the Türkiye-China-S.Korea vs America-Israel paradigm? It is the by-product of the ill-advised US Foreign Policy Objectives, by dumbfounded advisers in Wash DC. Multifunction...

Türkiye’s Ballistic Missile Deterrence
MASS PRODUCTION IMPACT OF SEVEN CRITICAL MISSILES In December 2022, Türkiye announced mass production of seven indigenously developed missiles. As a result, the country will no longer rely solely on defensive measures. Potential aggressors will feel the threat of...

US-Senators & Real-McCoy Kızılelma
SIX TON SUPERSONIC BEHEMOTH SIXTH GENERATION TURKISH FIGHTER US-Senators took the long time staunch ally Turkiye out of the "fifth generation", F-35 fighter program on 14 December 2020. The bill left the first ever Turkish flattop, soon to be commissioned TCG Anadolu,...

China-Russia-Türkiye Air Superiority
GAMECHANGER I authored GameChanger in 2020, published in the US and Australia. In it, I argued that if the US does not collaborate with Türkiye, it can kiss good-bye the sole superpower status in the world. Two years removed from my book, China-Russia-Türkiye air...