by Erbil Writes | Dec 20, 2020 | America, Balance of Power, China, Eastern Mediterranean, Erbil Gunasti, Erdogan, News Not Fit to Print in America, Trump, Turkey, Türkiye karşıtı
Losing Turkey: Not an Option Losing Turkey: Not an option for the US. Without a close alliance with the modern Republic of Turkey, the US cannot remain as the only superpower in the world. Unfortunately, since 1992, the US lived under the impression that the 21st...
by Erbil Writes | Dec 4, 2020 | America, Eastern Mediterranean, Erdogan, Libya, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Russia, Turkey
Libya-Turkey Maritime Deal In 2010, there was an agreement between Libya and Turkey. It was to be called Libya-Turkey Maritime Deal but it was not put in effect. At the beginning of 2011, “Arab Spring” began and chaos took over North Africa. The regime in...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 28, 2020 | Azerbaijan, Balance of Power, Book, Eastern Mediterranean, Economy, English, Erbil Gunasti, Erdogan, Erdogan and Trump, France, News Not Fit to Print in America, Trump, Turkey
GameChanger Erdogan Da’wa & Dava Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the president of the modern Republic of Turkey since 2018. He entered national elections in 2002, and never lost it again. During his reign, Globalist regimes were in power on both sides of the...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 27, 2020 | Azerbaijan, Eastern Mediterranean, Economy, English, France, Libya, Military, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Turkey, War
In Africa, Asia, or Europe? In the aftermath of the Nagorno-Karabakh debacle, here comes Turkey: Next Conflict, Anyone! Will Turkey flex its military muscle now in Africa or Asia or Europe, no one knows. Time will show soon in the evolving new world order. The modern...