by Erbil Writes | Nov 27, 2020 | Azerbaijan, Eastern Mediterranean, Economy, English, France, Libya, Military, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Turkey, War
In Africa, Asia, or Europe? In the aftermath of the Nagorno-Karabakh debacle, here comes Turkey: Next Conflict, Anyone! Will Turkey flex its military muscle now in Africa or Asia or Europe, no one knows. Time will show soon in the evolving new world order. The modern...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 25, 2020 | France, GameChanger, Libya, News Not Fit to Print in America, Turkey
The Last Thing The World Wanted It is ironic but Clinton’s Libya permanently brought Turks back to Libya after a full century. In Clinton’s Libya, the civil war ended second time within a decade, in October 2020. At the end, it was clear: Turks brought...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 22, 2020 | Azerbaijan, Balance of Power, Economy, News Not Fit to Print in America, Turkey, Turkic Council
Rising Azerbaijan: Nothing to Cheer Rising Azerbaijan is nothing to cheer for long-time adversaries yet it is part of the new world order in the making. It is one of the seven independent Turkic Republics. It gained independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 17, 2020 | Book, Erbil Gunasti, Military, News Not Fit to Print in America, Turkic Council, War
From Turks to the Annals of History Globalist Fiasco: Nagorno-Karabakh will go into the annals of history. It will be received as a message from Turks to the world. It will simply reverberate the fact that Turks will no longer accept a fait accompli. The Globalist...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 9, 2020 | 2020 elections, Actor, Daphne Barak, Documentaries, Radio interviews, Trump, Trump vs Hollywood
Andrea Bocelli: Redemption – Bu yazı dört sene sonra Andrea Bocelli’ye hak’kini vermiş oldu Andrea Bocelli 2016’da Donald Trump’ın Başkanlığının kutlama gecesine katılacaktı. Ancak Evrenselci Amerikalılar ona, daha doğrusu, çocuğuna saldırmakla...