by Erbil Writes | Oct 14, 2022 | 2022 elections, 2024 elections, America, Armed Forces, Book, Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Erbil Gunasti, Erdogan, GameChanger, Globalism, Israel, Libya, Military, News Not Fit to Print in America, Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Türkiye, War
IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA The UK annexed Cyprus in 1914. By 1964, tensions between Greek and Turkish Cypriots came to a boiling point on the island. Greeks started to seek Enosis, unification with Greece. Turkish Cypriots sought Taskim, division of the island...
by Erbil Writes | Oct 4, 2022 | America, Azerbaijan, Eastern Mediterranean, Erdogan, France, Libya, Military, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Türkiye, War
BLUE HOMELAND A FAIT ACCOMPLI The Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland) doctrine of Türkiye is a fait accompli and no one can deny it. Ramazan Cem Gürdeniz, a Turkish admiral laid it out in a conference in 2006 as a concept. Cihat Yaycı, another Turkish admiral published the...
by Erbil Writes | Aug 22, 2022 | America, Book, China, Erbil Gunasti, Erbil Writes Informative, Erdogan, GameChanger, Globalism, Libya, Military, Nationalism, Ottoman Empire, Russia, Turkey, Türkiye, War
Suleiman the Magnificent Atatürk & Erdoğan Russian-Turkish collaboration dates back five hundred years. Nowadays, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan are reigniting these concerted Turkish-Russian efforts again. They are doing it in Syria, Libya,...
by Erbil Writes | Aug 14, 2022 | Eastern Mediterranean, Economy, Erbil Gunasti, Libya, Military, News Not Fit to Print in America, Türkiye
Redeeming Legacy In Türkiye, ongoing attempts of the spiritual reincarnation of Abdülhamid Han took another turn in 2022. Türkiye christened the fourth drill ship in its fleet with the name of the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire....
by Erbil Writes | Aug 1, 2022 | America, Armed Forces, Azerbaijan, Erdogan, Libya, Military, News Not Fit to Print in America, Russia, Türkiye, War
AHEAD OF AMERICA Time to reckon with Ghost Robotics: Turkish Terminators. Some now claim that Turkish ghost robotics are the most advanced in the world. Some even argue that they may even be ahead of America in some areas. In the past few years, there have been...
by Erbil Writes | Jul 26, 2022 | America, Armed Forces, Eastern Mediterranean, Erdogan, Israel, Libya, Military, News Not Fit to Print in America, Russia, Trump, Türkiye
Who’s Idea Were These Objectives? Who’s idea were these US foreign-policy objectives for the past thirty years? They first made the US lose face. After that, they began forcing the US to pull back from the world. Now that these failed US Foreign-policy...