Turkish Cyprus: Western Nightmare

The UK annexed Cyprus in 1914. By 1964, tensions between Greek and Turkish Cypriots came to a boiling point on the island. Greeks started to seek Enosis, unification with Greece. Turkish Cypriots sought Taskim, division of the island into two countries. A decade later in 1974, Türkiye resolved the “problem” with a “Peace Operation”. Military incursion brought peace and order between two communities. Neither the superpower Soviet Union in the north nor the US 6th Fleet, lurking nearby, could not interfere. By 1984, there was a fully independent Turkish republic on the northern third of the island. Namely, Turkish Cyprus: Western nightmare, from there on, became a permanent fixture for some.

Turkish Cyprus: Western Nightmare

In 2022, Turkish Cyprus became an even more worrisome prospect for the West. At the United Nations General Assembly session, in September, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan officially unveiled the next chapter in the modern Cyprus history.

He appealed to the international community to recognize Turkish Cyprus as an independent state. In fact, it was rather marching orders to the world community. The big winner of the Russia-Ukraine war was now putting its foot down.

Independent Turkish Cypriot State

Historically, controlling Cyprus meant economic and military domination in eastern Mediterranean Sea. Since, 19th century, together with Crete, Turkish straits, and the Suez Canal, the island also assumed more importance.

If one power ever controlled all four, this inner sea would quickly turn into a “closed sea”. That is a real nightmare, primarily, for the supremacy of the United States of America as the sole superpower in the world.

In that context, I authored “GameChanger“, published in 2020. There I explained, unless the US collaborate with Türkiye, it will face even more global challenges from the rapidly rising Eastern powers of the New World Order.

In that regard, in the 21st century, the independent Turkish Cypriot state will simply be another blow to the US hegemony. Unless of course, 2022 midterm and 2024 presidential elections replace Globalists with sanity in America.

For example, Donald Trump, the 45th president had understood America’s problem end of 2018. He began collaborating with President Erdoğan.

Western Nightmare Magnified

In the 1970s, Turkish military action saved the Turkish minority from the marauding Greek majority. However, powers to be in the West presented it as a nightmare. Nevertheless, Türkiye created a military fortress on the island to ensure its objectives.

Now, in the 2022, Erdoğan simply magnified the Western nightmare for the “usual suspects”. Seeking international recognition may have limited objectives. Even worse, Türkiye may very push for it now as part of a small part of a larger context.

Western Nightmare

Turkish Foreign Policy Objectives

First of all, Western nightmare regarding Turks will never end. It is entrenched in the minds as “Turks Are Coming”, since Middle Ages. It is hard to erase. Simply because intellectuals, for example, the likes of Victor Hugo, played it to the fears of ordinary people in their classics.

Ironically, in modern times, the intention of Turks from Türkiye have always been humanitarian. For example, there is no other explanation why the 1974 “Peace Operation” took place in Cyprus. There, Türkiye saved the lives of innocent Turks from Greeks.

The Erdoğan regime understands the simple fact. The West will never care about Muslims and always despise Turks. Hence, to make the point, President Erdoğan made the case from the UN podium. It is high time to resolve the lingering issues of the twentieth century mess.

Western Nightmares

As to the Western nightmares, emanating from the current Turkish foreign policy objectives, the picture is clear. In the short term, there is nothing to fear. Türkiye and President Erdoğan are delivering energy and food to the world by mediating between Russia and Ukraine.

For that single reason, it is wise for the West to search for other reasons for the current Western nightmares. Like for example what transpired in Europe in 2022! It is pretty obvious Christians are being played against Christians by Globalists  on both side of Atlantic.