by Erbil Writes | Oct 22, 2022 | 2022 elections, 2024 elections, America, Armed Forces, Book, China, Economy, Erbil Gunasti, GameChanger, Globalism, Military, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Turkey, War
FOR AMERICA TIME TO PUT INTO PERSPECTIVE Edward “Ned” Price is an American political advisor and former intelligence officer. He is serving as Spokesman for the United States Department of State since 2021. He worked at the Central Intelligence...
by Erbil Writes | Jul 2, 2021 | America, Book, Eastern Mediterranean, Economy, Erdogan, GameChanger, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Ottoman Empire, Russia, Turkey
UNLESS AMERICA VOTES BETTER IN 2022 AND 2024 21 July 2021 marks a new beginning. It is the day after the Turkish Milestone: Twilight for America, announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The content of the announcement is not important but where it is made is....
by Erbil Writes | Jun 2, 2021 | China, Erdogan, France, Germany, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America
Remorse Won’t Save France When Apology Not Acceptable In 2004, Hollywood movie “Hotel Rwanda” depicted the tragedy that slaughtered two million Africans. France was behind the atrocities that the Hutu militia committed against the Tutsis. In May...
by Erbil Writes | Jan 30, 2021 | America, Cikan yazilar, Daphne Barak, Documentaries, GameChanger, Media, Medya, Oyun Kurucu, Trump vs Hollywood, Turkey, Turkish
Erbil Günaştı’dan Belgesel Türk Yapımcıdan Amerika Belgeseli Mart 2021’de bir kitap ile birlikte her yerde olacak. Can Kamiloğlu NEW YORK — Türk yapımcı Erbil Günaştı’nın, ABD’deki siyasal bölünmüşlüğün hikayesini anlattığı “Trump Hollywood Karşısında –...
by Erbil Writes | Jan 28, 2021 | America, Book, Cikan yazilar, Daphne Barak, Documentaries, Erbil Gunasti, GameChanger, Media, Medya, Oyun Kurucu, Trump vs Hollywood, Turkey, Turkish, Türkiye karşıtı
Trump vs Hollywood ve GameChanger Tarsuslu Erbil Günaştı’nın belgeseli ve kitabı Amerika’da 2020’de yayınlandı. Sputnik’te çıkan yazı aşağıdadır. SPUTNIK GÖRÜŞ 13:55 28.01.2021(Güncellendi 13:58 28.01.2021) Yazarı Turan Salcı ABD’de yayınlanmasına günler...