From Oil Supply to Peace & War

Russia & Türkiye Decides Not Biden

Joe Biden, the 46th President of the US, made his first visit to the Middle East in July 2022. When he returned home, he had nothing to show for. Israel and Saudi Arabia were the two winners. No surprise there. A month earlier, in the G-7 and NATO Summits, the picture was not much different. Türkiye was the dominant player in Madrid, much like Russia was in his visit to Saudi Arabia. In short, times have changed. Two overseas trips later, the leader of the sole superpower in the world looked hopeless. Meanwhile, the world also noticed something unravelling: Russia & Türkiye to decide not Biden anymore on world matters.

What Do Russia & Türkiye To Decide About?

Currently, Russia basically decides on oil supply and energy prices. Türkiye decides who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter. They also decide together on the grain supply soon to arrive to world markets from Ukrainian ports via Turkiye.

More importantly, they do not let Biden-led-Globalist-America to have any say on any vital world affairs. For example, this week, Russia, Türkiye, and Iran will meet in Tehran and decide together on a number of regional and global issues. Although it is set as Astana talks, regarding Syria.

Next Turkish military incursion in Syria will be one of their topics. Oil supply will surely be another. Russia and Iran are two of the top five oil producers in the world. Türkiye is the sole “land bridge” with pipelines. It tranships most of the energy needs of Europe from east to west. Why would not they talk little bit about this pressing matter for the world at large?

In other words, economic prosperity and war & peace matters will be decided on that table. The world will see one more time this year: How Russia & Türkiye to decide not Biden when it comes to global matters of importance.

From another perspective, the sole superpower of the world will be left on the sidelines. It will have nothing to say like it did not in Spain and Saudi Arabia.

Helpless & Hopeless

Biden Administration

At least in Europe, in 2021, the Biden Administration was able to portray itself as if it was in charge. However by 2022, most everyone across Europe was already disappointed with the performance of the Biden Administration across the board.

In fact, even the Russia-Ukraine War and Swedish-Finish membership application to NATO began to look like Globalist ploys. Coupled with the ineptitude in the G-7 and NATO Summits, a hollow meeting in Saudi Arabia displayed all the weaknesses of the Biden leadership.

Russia & Türkiye To Decide in Tehran

The 19 July meeting in Tehran will decide on two pertinent matters. On one hand, who can tell Russia and Iran will not discuss how much oil they should be pumping. As a result, Crown Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia will also get a heads up if he will be able to keep his “conditional” promise to Biden.

On the other matter, Türkiye will ensure that both Russia and Iran are on the same page on Syria. Türkiye will explain how it will cleanse and then control the rest of the 30 km long buffer zone in northern Syria. Only after that, Turkiye will let Biden and the West know about the time table of its military operation there.

To some this meeting in Tehran will also become a milestone for Russia & Turkiye to decide not Biden who is the boss in the region and beyond from now on. The ripple effects of this “innoncent” meeting of three Eastern powers will surely go far longer than the 8 November election in America.