Poetic Justice
Three judicial appointments made Trump: GameChanger in Absentia. They empowered the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade 6 to 3. In 1973, in another landmark decision, the Supreme Court had ruled 7-2. The statement said that a pregnant woman has the liberty to have an abortion.
As a result, in 2022, divided America will now have Donald Trump on the ballot, not Roe v. Wade, like Joe Biden said. Trump: GameChanger in absentia will also be a factor in the 2024 presidential election. Now who can say that Donald Trump would not be the front runner if he were to announce his candidacy for president next year?
The impact of this ruling would now surely resurface the accomplishments of the 45th president. When Covid-19 arrived in 2020 and washed away all his good deeds, those that were devastated also now found poetic justice. Life is funny how what goes around comes around. More interestingly, this is only a beginning!
Trump: On the Ballot this Fall, not Roe
Gas prices, constitutional rights, crime, illegal immigration, economic misery are all on the ballot in 2022. Roe v. Wade will also be, but it will not be as big and a lot smaller than how Donald Trump will appear. The Supreme Court ruling will change the landscape in America overtime, for good. Hence, America will move on.
In the meantime, the Trump persona will loom over America like a nightmare for some and blessing for others. Whether Trump runs for a second term or not, he will be on the ballot this fall in spirit. In the best and worst case scenario, Trump may be on the ballot in 2024, and if he is, he may also be able to go all the way and win again.
Infamy of January 6th
Would not that be a poetic justice for Donald Trump as well? Up until the 6-3 decision of the Court, the agenda of the country was to bury Donald Trump to the ground as deep as possible. Since the ruling, Trump started to rise like a Phoenix. Now the obvious question, where will the Democrat controlled House and Senate go to look for momentum for the midterm election?
Trump: GameChanger in Absentia
Donald Trump has become a GameChanger in absentia with the historic Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade. He made history in half a century like no other US president will ever be remembered.
Immediately, supporters began to shout: “America is not a bad place” anymore. Putting people and states in charge, instead of the federal government, now twenty six states may totally ban abortions.
As a result, the landscape will fundamentally change in America. Division lines will be further marked between pro and anti abortion states. Adverse effects of this ruling in the long term cannot be envisioned at his time.
On one hand, some will say life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is back in America. Others immediately reacted saying: “The hell with the Supreme Court we will defy it.” Nothing less can be expected from a Globalism dominated world!
Nevertheless, their defiance will be futile effort if it will not backfire even further. Bottom line is for the moment the game came to an end. Trump: GameChanger in absentia came out on top again much to the chagrin of large masses in America.
GameChanger Trump
Donald Trump took the first copy of my book called: “GameChanger Trump Card; Turkey & Erdoğan” when I was with him in Florida. He was the 45th President of the US in early 2020, enjoying his usual golf weekends.
I authored the book and put on the cover his photo and the photo of the president of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In it, I argued how important it is that these two pious presidents, who have nothing in common, to work together.
Otherwise, the supremacy of the sole superpower in the world would be in danger. Unfortunately, the 46th Administration chose not to collaborate with Türkiye. As a result, from Afghanistan to Ukraine, the US foreign policy objectives faltered.
Now add to that, an epic Supreme Court ruling that would increase the strife inside the country. America will be bogged down domestically and internationally. One wonders how the Democrats will make it in one piece to the 2024 presidential election.