by Erbil Writes | Jul 4, 2020 | America, Books, English, Erdogan, Erdogan and Trump, GameChanger, Military, Trump
AFTER US TROOP WITHDRAWAL VENUS UPADHYAYA of EPOCH TIMES published Proxy War Deepens in Syria titled article on November 4, 2019. That is soon after the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump decided to pull the US troops out of Syria. See below for ...
by Erbil Writes | Jul 4, 2020 | Books, English, Erdogan, GameChanger, Military
Ibrahim Kalin, the spokesman for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaks to reporters during a roundtable at the Turkish embassy in Washington, DC on April 16, 2019. (SHAUN TANDON/AFP/Getty Images) BY VENUS UPADHYAYA, EPOCH TIMES October 18, 2019 Updated:...
by Erbil Writes | Jul 4, 2020 | Erdogan, Trump, Turkish
Amerika bugünlerde değeri olmayanları göklere çıkarıyor. Bu yetmezmiş gibi bir de kendisine en çok ihanet edeni bir o kadar daha iyi koruyor. • Bu günlerde 20 trilyondan fazla dış borcu olan Amerika, ihtiyacı olmayan çoğuna çıkarıp da havadan bir trilyon daha olmayan...
by Erbil Writes | Jul 4, 2020 | English, News Not Fit to Print in America, Social Issues, Trump
SINCE CORONA ARRIVED Something wrong with this America since Corona arrived in 2020. America suddenly began praising everyone that is not worthy. Even better, America began to award everyone that did not fit the bill. Eventually, when atrocities became greater against...
by Erbil Writes | Jun 30, 2020 | Balance of Power, Books, English, Erdogan, Erdogan and Trump, Trump
By 2020, Turkey has long proved to the world that it is already a domineering economic and military regional power. What Turkey has recently achieved in Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Libya, Eastern Mediterranean Sea is one thing. What countries Turkey faced and successfully...