by Erbil Writes | Dec 23, 2020 | America, Erdogan, France, GameChanger, Germany, New Turkey, News Not Fit to Print in America, Trump, Turkey
Worse Than Direct Sanctions Hidden Embargo of the West against New Turkey backfires. The embargo against the Turkish state is nothing new, but in 2020, hidden or open, it no longer works. Donald Trump understood it well and tried hard to avoid it but he was alone. Not...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 28, 2020 | Azerbaijan, Balance of Power, Book, Eastern Mediterranean, Economy, English, Erbil Gunasti, Erdogan, Erdogan and Trump, France, News Not Fit to Print in America, Trump, Turkey
GameChanger Erdogan Da’wa & Dava Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the president of the modern Republic of Turkey since 2018. He entered national elections in 2002, and never lost it again. During his reign, Globalist regimes were in power on both sides of the...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 3, 2020 | 2020 elections, Cikan yazilar, Daphne Barak, Documentaries, English, Erbil Gunasti, Media, Medya, Radio interviews, Trump, Trump vs Hollywood
Donald Trump snub: Celebrity Apprentice star’s ‘fallout with President’ over US election DONALD TRUMP’s former friend Claudia Jordan, star of The Celebrity Apprentice, revealed her “fallout” with the President over the US election in a...
by Erbil Writes | Nov 2, 2020 | 2020 elections, Daphne Barak, Documentaries, Erbil Gunasti, Media, Medya, Trump, Trump vs Hollywood
PRESIDENTIAL INVITATION President Donald Trump extended an official presidential invitation to Hollywood stars and entertainers. One of the invitees was a Democrat. He honored the call and enjoyed Christmas at the White House. Dozen other invitees joined him....
by Erbil Writes | Nov 1, 2020 | Actor, Daphne Barak, Documentaries, Erbil Gunasti, Radio interviews, Trump, Trump vs Hollywood, Turkey, Turkish
Ne Yapalım? Bir şekilde sabahları saat 6’da kalkmamız gerekiyor çünkü New York üç, Texas iki saat ileride bize göre. Bir de bu saatte kalkıp mülakata girmek var. Daphne, son iki günde, Money B ve daha sonra Big Baby Glen Davis mülakatlarına katıldığı için Robert...