Kicking Turkey out of F-35

US Senators, kicking Turkey out of F-35: What were they thinking is a legitimate question. US Senators must be able to have vision and wisdom. Making a colossal mistake twenty years ago is one thing. Repeating that mistake with an equally gargantuan one again is another. Now the question is where and when the third and fatal strike will come from.

The globalists in America decided to co-produce a wonder aircraft together with the members of the Western Alliance. Then, they decided that one of the leading members must no longer be part of the project. The main problem was that they came to this decision after twenty years into development and production.

By then, Turkey was the single most important part of the project. It was also one of the biggest buyers of these aircrafts. Finally, it was manufacturing the most important parts and pieces. Most importantly, Turkey was indigenously developing and producing them exclusively for these aircrafts. There was no easy way to replace the Turkish production anymore, if at all.

F-35 Lightning II

The Joint Strike Fighter

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is an American family of single-seat, single-engine, all-weather stealth multi role combat aircraft. It is primarily intended to perform both air superiority and strike missions. It is also designed to provide electronic warfare and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities.

The Lockheed Martin

Pioneer in Stealth Technology

According to an article in the Washington Post: Stealth is an ancient strategy, dating to humans’ earliest use of vegetation as camouflage in battle and while hunting prey. However, it took until the early 1960s for stealth technology to accelerate. That is when Lockheed Martin developed design techniques for radar cross-section (RCS) reduction and radar-absorbent materials for military aircraft. Since then, stealth technology has expanded exponentially, culminating in the unprecedented capabilities of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Kicking Turkey Out of F-35

What Were They Thinking

The US Senate simply kicked Turkey out of the F-35 project. It did this after sharing much sensitive information about this project with Turkey. Plus it did this when Turkey was the biggest buyer of the end product and producer of the project.

What is pity, the US Senators were able to see the consequences couple of steps ahead of their decision. Evidently, they were not aware of the fact that the rising powers of the East like Turkey already had the capacity to build the same on its own.


One of the Biggest Buyers and Producers

If nothing else, the air superiority of Turkey should have been a hint. In Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh, the world clearly witnessed it. Nowadays, it is no longer a secret, Turkey made great strides in stealth technology in recent years. Yet, it must be noted, it is not the only area where Turkey is excelling.

Irrespective, Turkey should have been the last country to be kicked out of this project. The country was complementing the project immensely which was very important for the US superiority in the world. This expensive, complex, late in production and vitally important military platform was relatively affordable only because of Turkish contributions.

New York Times writes: The F-35 initiative is the Defense Department’s most expensive weapons program ever. It is expected to cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion over its 60-year lifespan. It’s also the United States military’s most ambitious international partnership, with eight other nations investing in the aircraft’s development.

Turkey and the UK were the only ones committed to buying more than 100 aircrafts each. Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Norway, Denmark were the remaining six buyers and producers with the US. Turkey was producing half a dozen specific indigenous innovations and over 1000 of the 1600 parts and pieces that go into each aircraft.

US Senators

What Were They Thinking, Exactly? 

First, it is inconceivable that the US Senate will believe that raising the ante on the 11th hour would make a difference. Worse, it is an insult to intelligence and logic that the war of attrition can be won against Turkey in the impending new world order.

On one hand, China and Russia are constantly lurking nearby for the spoils. On the other hand, Turkey, as the domineering economic and military power in the region holds most of the cards. It has technology, know-how, capacity and willpower.

Plus, in the rising East, it has allies and more are coming out of woodwork willing and able to join causes. That’s why, it is for no other reason I wrote in the GameChanger that the US must collaborate with Turkey. Period.

Kicking Turkey Out of F-35

What Were They Thinking

When it comes to F-35, the roles and motives of major powers had to be taken into account.

Germany and France 

Germany and France did not want to be part of the F-35 project since the inception. They outright rejected the invite. Did Germany and France find a flaw in the concept, philosophy or technology?

No one knows to date but their absence simply showed erosion of leadership in NATO. From then on, it was a weakness waiting to be exploited. Turkey did not miss the opportunity. It moved on a different path when the alliance did not treat the long-time ally right.

China and Russia

In the wake of the new world order, China and Russia would surely be willing to work with Turkey. Each already provided an important transfer of military technology to this long time NATO ally. It was naive for the US not to realize that these three will not cooperate even more. It should have been easy to see.

Turkey has been the brightest star, lately, in the Western Alliance. It used to be the second-biggest army in NATO. Since the turn of the Millennia, it became a lot more than that. By 2020, it could not have been expendable anymore with energy pipelines and Belt & Road Initiative for Russia and China.

Independence of Turkey from the Western yoke was a dream for either one. Yanking it from the alliance became a God-sent gift when the US Senate made the fatal mistake by passing CAATSA 231 in December 2020.

Republic of Turkey

Since the 1960s, Turkish-American relations were on a never-ending vortex from bad to worse. On one hand, the West was behind regime change attempts, interfering with the domestic affairs of the country. On the other hand, there was a constant embargo on technology transfer. Being a staunch NATO ally did not mean a thing, even though Turkish soldiers saved thousands of American lives in recent past.

Turkey, in turn, since 1975 had begun its path towards independence from the Western yoke. A quarter-century later, no one in America noticed it for a long time. So much so, as late as only a few years ago, Turkey was still considered as a major buyer of military platforms but also a partner in technology sharing.

Kicking Turkey Out of F-35:

Worse Yet to Come!

It is impossible to discern how the US Senators came to the decision to pass the CAATSA 231 against Turkey. In the GameChanger, I emphasized for the US to remain as the sole superpower in the world, it must work with Turkey. Passing this bill was yet another sign that the century-long US superiority is nearing to its end.

The path towards the painful eventuality will go through the demise of F-35. First, Turkey will look for an alternative from Russia or China. Both SU-57 and J-35 are available for purchase, but also for co-production. Two, Turkey will focus on building its own 5th generation aircraft since it has the capacity and know-how.

Russia and China aside, others like the Europeans or the Asians will surely be available with open arms. They will want to team up if Turkey asks of course. It is a win-win for everyone at the expense of F-35. As of January 2021, one major European power already regrets not having joined the project sooner. Turkey, few years into development, is now very selective about what country to include and how much.

Here Comes Turkish F-35, rather TFX!

A month after the passage of CAATSA 231, Turkey announced a change of plans. It simply speeded up the TFX project to maximum gear. A full-scale mock-up was already on display in Paris Air Show in 2019.

  • Turkey recently announced that TFX will roll out for ground tests on 18 March 2023 with two GE F110 engines
  • TFX is now projected to fly by 2025 and mass-produced by 2030
  • The indigenously developed engine is underway and it is expected to be certified but also to go into mass production before 2030

Turkey has a reputation to produce military platforms with German quality and Chinese prices. More importantly, when it comes to speed, no country matches it. R&D in Turkey moves very fast. Turkey has facilities to test almost everything.

As a result, TFX is expected to beat the competition in performance and price. Naturally, it is expected to come with an edge or two or three no one knows yet. Turkey will become only the fourth country that can develop and mass-produce a 5th generation aircraft. It will be in the company of the US, Russia, and China.

What About Turkish Drones!

Turkey already achieved a similar feat in drones. It came out of nowhere in the past decade. Now it dominates the air wars and it is even selling to the UK. It replaced the US, the leader in drones, in this fast growing and improving market.

Turkish drones range in size and performance. Some are very light but fly with very deadly and miniaturized Turkish ROKETSAN precision missiles. Some others fly at over 40 thousand feet. One has 27 hours, another has 40 hours continuous flight records.

Next-generation drones are expected to fly around the globe without stopping. They may stay in the air much longer than two days like a week, perhaps. Their speed will be a lot over than Mach 1 too. They will be able to carry and deliver everything F-35 and TFX can, like cruise missiles and smaller guided missiles by the dozens.

Considering Turkey has one-of-a-kind, indigenously-developed-technologies it is important to note how mass productions are envisioned for multiple platforms. Ordinances, missiles, radars, optics, and engines are some of them with numerous versions and variations. Together, they make Turkish drones continue to improve in delivery and expectation. Plus, the experience gained is transferred to the likes of TFX.

In view of the steady progress, Turkey today rejects co-production offers to come from countries like the UK on drones and other areas. All the while, mass production opens yet additional doors. Other countries join investments in Turkey. In turn, with more leverage, New Turkey is also able to negotiate from the point of strength. It is a fact that cannot be ignored.

Kicking Turkey Out of F-35

What Were They Thinking

When Mass Production of F-35  Was Underway!

Some very sophisticated and one-of-a-kind innovations were long in mass production when the US Senate passed anti-Turkish bill. They were developed in the past decade by Turkey, exclusively with F-35 in mind. Instead now, TFX will soon have them exclusively. Som-J and Armol are two well-known brands in the company of undisclosed others.

  • The SOM-J is a next-generation autonomous, low observable, high precision cruise missile
  • The ARMOL is a vehicle-mounted fiber laser system

When it comes to radars and electronic systems, the game takes yet another turn. Turkey puts a lot of emphasis on autonomous and integrated systems. They are bread and butter for drones, missiles and TFX. Coupled with the stealth technology, they become extraordinarily lethal and powerful.

When Turkish Stealth F-35, TFX Was Underway!

The US Senate should have known some facts before passing the bill. For example, here are few of them. One, Turkey has already built a massive and state of art composite plant. Second, reportedly, Turkey has a titanium-based engine in mind for TFX and have been working on it for a while. Third, Turkey is investing heavily in variety of “testing facilities” for engines, missiles, airplanes and the likes.

Putting Stealth Technology at Risk!

At this stage, it is worth noting that Lockheed Martin announced that the F-35 production will not be back until 2035 or 2040. The decision was announced after CAATSA 231 passed against Turkey.

What Could Be The Reason?
Superior Turkish Stealth Technology

No one knows yet but here is food for thought!

One, what made the Turkish drones invincible? Maybe the stealth technology!

Two, what made Lockheed Martin stop the production of F-35? Could it be a problem with the stealth technology!

Kicking Turkey Out of F-35

May Be Killing F-35 Project Altogether

Turks began to manifest superiority in the 2020s. For example, innovations in stealth technology, coupled with how to unravel stealth technologies is one. Advances in Industrial Revolution 5.0 is another.

In 2022, TEI of Turkey builds F-16 aircraft and Sikorsky Blackhawk engines under license from US. It now also has expertise to build F-35 engine. F-16 engine have 29 K lbs trust power. TEI engine for F-35 will have trust power upwards of 35 K lbs.

Turkish F-35, TFX Facts

Did you know that TFX having two of these TEI developed engines will be faster than F-22 Raptor?

Coupled with the Turkish stealth technology, TFX will:

  • Surely have the airsuperiority with ROKETSAN produced longer range Bozdoğan, Gökdoğan, and Gökhan
  • “See without being seen and hit without being hit” like Ismail Demir keeps saying, to win the electronic warfare with ASELSAN produced radars

At this time, no one knows what other one of a kind or superior features TFX will have. Hence, pertinent questions warrant answers.

  1. Who are these patriotic Americans in Wash DC, again please?
  2. Kicking Turkey out of F-35: What were they thinking, exactly? 
  3. Most importantly, who was the smart-Alec that came up with it?


Imagine, there is nowadays a US Senator, still serving, who claims the fame! With these oblivious elected officials to such esteemed offices in America, why bother “what were they thinking”?