US: End-of-Journey in Iraq

Donald J. Trump said it when he was the 45th President of the US. “What we worked for forty years came to a crushing end in a few hours in Iraq.” He was referring to the US: End-of-Journey in Iraq in the hands of steadily advancing Turks.

President Trump, then, summarized the failed policies of the US Administrations since the 1990s. In 1980, there was a US orchestrated coup d’etat in Türkiye. The goal was to create chaos in the Middle East to further subjugate Muslims.

However, dumb-founded advisers and officials alike in Wash DC did not know their history. They believed in teachings like “Kabala” for example, among other things. Now the picture is clear: It is time to hand over Baghdad to Turks.

In the company of the rising East, mainly China, Iraq will be modernized. It will prosper with the Basra to Türkiye Road and Rail project which will be part of the Belt and Road Initiative. The task long began from both ends of the spectrum.


The problems for the West in Iraq did not start with Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iraq in 1990. It did not also start with the Iran-Iraq war that began in 1980, instigated under the US leadership. It began on 12 September 1980 in Türkiye.

I published “GameChanger Trump Card: Türkiye and Erdogan” in 2020. If you did not read it, you will never know. Few thousand smart people did. I mean heads of states and the likes who have the wherewithal. So, they know what I am writing here.

The coup d’etat in Türkiye in 1980 was the third and the last successful one. Ironically, it was the third strike against the West under US leadership to lose the grip in Iraq. It was the beginning of the end, not for Türkiye but to all its nemesis, mainly the West.

Ever since, Türkiye steadily gained ground control in northern Iraq. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Türkiye now visiting Iraq for the first time in 13 years recently declared. For the US: End-of-journey in Iraq will be completed in 2024.

US: End-of-Journey in Iraq

What Does That Mean?

For the US: End-of-Journey in Iraq is more than the end-of-the-US-hegemony in the entire region called the Middle East. It also means that the rising East will now be showing flag at will in the Mediterranean Sea.

It further explains why the retreating US is now desperately clinging to its newly established military bases in Greece and the rest of the Balkans. Also, how Israel has become a sacrificial lamb, and why it is in the mess that it is in.

Iraq’s Road and Rail Project

The stark irony is apparent to the billions in the region and beyond. The US hegemony did not bring modernity to Iraq. Instead, it brought devastation since the 1990s and caused the demise of the US leadership as a result.

Soon, a 17-billion-dollar road and rail project will bring prosperity to Iraq. Türkiye is doing its part by clearing the path militarily in the northern third of the devastated country. China began the project from Basra with economic investment.

All will come to a head soon. The beginning of the end is announced by President Erdogan who is now visiting his counterpart in Iraq. They are to conclude 22 agreements to put everything in effect in four steps.

What Does It Mean to the US and Israel

The chaos in Iraq was a Western strategy. From the looks of it, as Donald Trump summarized it, the strategy now looks like backfired. The ill-effects against the US and Israel are yet to be realized.

However, there should also be light at the end of the tunnel which could now only be possible if the US collaborates with Türkiye. I explained this enough in my book and articles, published since 2020.

US: End-of-Journey in Iraq

End-of-Journey in Iraq for the US and the West can have bad to worse results in the coming years.

At this stage, there is only one way to reverse the fortunes and to a degree. For that, keep reading my next posts when I explain how, why and when.


Belt and Road Initiative means the end of the journey in Iraq for the US. However, how China arrived in Iraq and began the 17 billion dollars economic project does not explain the whole story.

China’s collaboration with Türkiye does. In my next post, I will explain it.


In another post, I will also explain why Türkiye is the linchpin for the end-of-journey in Iraq for the US. I authored a book to explain it four years ago.

Apparently, Globalists in Wash DC have ignored it to the peril of the US. I would not mind explaining further in another post once again.


The short answer is now.

The long answer says this is the beginning of the end of the last phase.

The process to kick the US leadership from the Middle East began in 1980. Ironically, the US did it with its ill-advised foreign policy objectives in the region.

If it is still not clear:

  • Starting the Iran-Iraq war was a mistake.
  • Bombing Osirak was a mistake-two.
  • Finally, the coup d’etat in Türkiye in 1980 was third strike or a “Big Mistake” like Julia Roberts would have said it.

Get it!?