Last month, I posted “Turkiye Takes Over America”. The topic was about the “Stratcom Summit 2023”. It took place in Istanbul, Turkiye. This one is about “Gokdogan & Bozdogan Brothers” and Japan.


The Russia-Ukraine war and Israeli-Palestinian mayhem created bonanza for the US defense companies.

They began increasing production volumes of older systems. As a result, shares of the biggest US defense companies are expected to keep rising.

Yet, that also means the five leading US Defense giants will avoid high investment costs. They are associated with ramping up production of new systems.

How consequential this dilemma would be for the US in the long term? It is the most pertinent question at this time.

However, that is not the only one. So long as Americans do not vote better, the problems will get worse instead of getting better.

Turkiye Takes Over America II


Turkiye just became one of the five countries with ultimate, but also indigenous, air defense system. It is called Siper, consisting of layers of air defenses.

The project began about couple of decades ago when Turkiye had enough with the US and its allies. Removing “Patriots” from Turkiye in the 1990s was the last straw.

At a time when Iran, Iraq, and Syria had long range missiles, Turkiye needed air defense system. The West committed suicide leaving Turkiye on a limbo.

In fact, the evil minds in the US did this. They not only left Turkiye helpless against neighbors. In fact, they intentionally supplied terrorists against Turkiye.

Protection Against Other Powers

Siper is now a complete system. At its last leg, Hisar A+, Hisar O+, Hisar U versions came on board. Coupled with Gokdogan and Bozdogan, Turkiye entered the club.

Now, Iran, Iraq, or Syria can no longer threaten Turkiye with a missile. That also means the door is now also close to F-16, F-15, F-18, F-14, F-35 and F-22.

What about the rest of the bombers Russia or the US have in their arsenal. Together with their intercontinental ballistic missiles, they present the ultimate threat.

Siper is also the answer to them. That is why it is called a “complete system”. That is why Turkiye is now in the elite club of only five countries with unique capabilities.

Protection Against The Rest in the World

Turkiye began building the “complete air defense system” not thinking about the two superpowers of the 20th century. It had the intention to stay in the Western Alliance.

Unfortunately, for us Americans, we simply committed suicide. We simply sided with proxies. We also made our allies become enemies to one another.

Israel, Greece, Armenia, Arabs, and Kurds were now against our staunch ally Turkiye. As if that was not enough, we also created armed militia to fight against Turkiye.

That left no choice but for Turkiye to start the Siper from bottoms up. That is how Kangal, Sapan, Ihtar, Gergadan against drones, Alka against lasers, and Korkut and Sungur first arrived to the scene.

Turkiye Takes Over America II

Simply put, Turkiye built low level air defense system and then switched to the high level to complete the Siper project.

Now Turkiye also has KORKUT-D. It is the naval version of everything. They come with their lunch pad called Midlas. Having them one thing, launching is another!

That is the bad news for the US, in particular. Turkiye may have reached a parity with the other three powers in this elite club. However, that means additional bad news for the US.

Turkiye Now Competes With the US

Turkiye now has what the US had it as a monopoly since the discovery of these air defense systems. Entire Western Alliance depended on the US. Now they have an alternative source for the same.

Plus, Turks have a reputation. They have German quality and Chinese prices. Siper system is no different. As a result, there goes the entire US defensive air system’s competitive edge.

Who did this to the US?

Smart Alecs at the US Senate, of course. As an American voter, as soon as you read this post, why don’t you ask your senator, let him or her explain, Democrats or Republicans alike: What they have done?

First ask them about how they destroyed a trillion dollar F-35 program! Then ask, how did they manage to cost the US economy another trillion dollar when Siper came into being.

By then, hopefully, you will also learn how to vote better. It is time to replace them, perhaps.

Turkiye Takes Over America II

For now, it is a fait accompli and Turkiye takes over America, second time in a decade. What can the mighty US do in light of this predicament?

First it can decide to elect either RFK Jr. or Donald Trump for president in 2024. Otherwise, Joe Biden and Democrats will find another trillion dollars to lose.

Unfortunately, F-35 is now going bust only because Donald Trump’s plea went to the deaf ears of the US senators. They passed CAATSA 232, against Turkiye in December 2020.

All told, now together with Siper, the damage to the US economy will be two trillion dollars in the coming years. The plight of Ukrainians and Israelis will also cost dearly in the coming years.

So it no brainier to elect RFK Jr or Donald Trump as the next president in 2024.

RFK Jr. and Donald Trump

Either will make a great 47th president because they are both anti-Globalist. Their outlook to life and politics do not end there. They are “America First” candidates.

RFK Jr. and Donald Trump differ many ways too from one another. However, their differences are in style, character, demeanor, rather than values and traditions.

They are both for the “Southern Wall” in earnest. They are both against wars. Neither would have allowed Ukraine and Israel to fall into the predicament they are in today.

As the creator of the “Fighting 4 One America Pac”, we also believe they are both in the fight to help alleviate problems with autism, menthal health, and Opioids crisis.

About New Competitive Turkiye?

I authored “GameChanger” in 2020, simultaneously published in the US and Australia. I argued that Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Donald J. Trump must collaborate.

They decided in earnest in 2019. They were going to do more in 2021. Unfortunately, one of them could not win the reelection in 2020 when the other won in 2022.

Now if the US were to elect RFK Jr. or Donald Trump as the next president, either will work with Turkiye. Why is that? There are two reasons for that.

One, Daphne and I are at home with both of them. We can vouch that they will work with Turkiye. Two, any common sense US president will work with Turkiye. It is no brainier, that is why.

Turkiye Takes Over America

With Gokdogan and Bozdogan Brothers

As to the Gokdogan and Bozdogan, they are two air to air missiles. However, Turkiye also developed another version of it for the KORKUT-D, for the Turkish navy to use on warships.

Japanese Factor

Japan is one of the most developed and technologically advanced countries in the world. Unfortunately, Japan could not develop “Gokdogan” or “Bozdogan”.

As a result, it does not qualify to the elite club of five that Turkiye just got part of it. Without them, Siper would not have been considered a “complete system”.

Guess what?

Now, Japan does not have to buy the US versions anymore. They are more expensive and technologically as developed.

Not all the facts are public yet but Gokdogan and Bozdogan surely would have longer ranges too. Is it clear now how Turkiye takes over America?