In Wash. DC., there are so called advocates that are preaching that the Secretary of State Antony Blinken should do more. If the Secretary of State had the capacity, would not he have garnered the will power to implement it? It is time to wake-up in America to understand one simple fact. There is no more American hegemony to go around the world. That was in the 20th century when America dictated the “world order”. Now it is time for the “New World Order”. However, that is also not the one that George Bush (41) mentioned in 1991.
Time to Wake-Up in America
Clusters of states, living in a bubble led by “Center States”, nowadays altogether ignore America, unlike in the second half of the past century. It is time to wake-up in America and clean the house in Wash DC. There is no more room for the so-called advocates to pontificate. For example, constantly complaining about Türkiye does not help America. Unfortunately, the sole superpower today depends on Türkiye, not vice versa.
Türkiye: Not The Same-Old
America: Depending on the Turkish Cluster
Time to Wake-Up in America
Winning Formula
Ironically, in the midst of all this adversity there is a winning formula for all concerned in the West, if America were to collaborate with Türkiye.
- Economically, there is a plan to increase the 45-billion-dollar trade volume between America and Türkiye to 100 billion dollars. The ripple effect of the increase in volume will benefit Israel the most. Recently, Türkiye suspended all trade with Israel. Does not the Secretary of State Blinken know how devastating this is for Israel? So, what are the better alternatives for America then? Perhaps, it is to increase leverage on Türkiye with more trade.
- Militarily, the case is even worse. In the worst-case scenario, America must be calculating how much longer the eastern Mediterranean Sea will be navigable for the Western navies without Turkish collaboration? In the absence of Turkish-American collaboration, there will surely be more Turkish-Chinese-Russian cooperation in the region. One wonders! How does that help the American interest, never mind Israel’s security!