President Donald Trump extended an official presidential invitation to Hollywood stars and entertainers. One of the invitees was a Democrat. He honored the call and enjoyed Christmas at the White House. Dozen other invitees joined him. Presidential invitation: A genuine reach by the 45th President of the United States America Donald Trump came via proper channels. Unlike what transpired in America during his four year tenure, this presidential overture went without a hitch. In other words, producers kept a tight ship.

Daphne Barak was the intermediary between President Trump and the Hollywood stars and entertainers. The invitation came upon the release of the Trump vs. Hollywood documentary. It took place few weeks before 2020 presidential election. A conference call organized by Daphne brought to line four Hollywood stars and entertainers. They chatted half an hour with President Trump. The interactions were frank and fun. President invited everyone involved with the project to the White House. The West Wing formalized the invite with a letter.

Presidential Invitation: A Genuine Reach

Trump vs. Hollywood

Erbil Gunasti produced the Trump vs. Hollywood documentary film. Daphne Barak directed it. She also conducted all interviews for the documentary. Gunasti and Barak filmed in real-time with 24 Hollywood stars and entertainers. They selected half of them among pro-Trump supporters. The others were against. As a result, it was fair and balanced.

It took about six months to complete the documentary. They filmed all interviews during Covid-19 incarcerated months in 2020. Filming in New York and California faced strict local rules and restrictions. In Texas and Florida, the job was easier. Two liberal states were conservative. Oddly, two conservative states were applying very liberal rules and regulations.

Wash DC filming took place in the Willard. The iconic hotel was practically empty during Kristy Swanson filming in April 2020. In fact, all interviews took place in isolated locations. The first one was in a studio in Los Angeles. Few others were at the home of the celebrities and entertainers. Few others were in hotels. Filming all throughout was eerie to say the least.

Presidential Invitation: A Genuine Reach

Two on the conference call were lifelong Democrats and one was a “wild card.” They were all African-Americans. Some were rappers. One was a TV series star. Daphne limited the participants in the conference call. As a result, President was able to talk at length with those on the line.

President Donald J. Trump Invites

African American Stars to White House

When the invite became public, many outlets posted the same headline. It said: “President Donald J. Trump Invites African American Stars to White House after Heart-to-Heart Conversation.”

Here is link for the release and couple of the news reports, regarding the invite.