Since Globalist Angela Merkel Decided Otherwise
Germany is finally coming-of-age in 2021. It is the election year. The majority is expected to say Germany: Globalist No More!
More and more believe globalism has basically run its course. Now it is also the time to have a new chancellor that has to be “Germany First.” This is not a domestic decision. It is rather an international imposition.
Since the turn of the Millennia, changes in North America, China and the Middle East have taken a sharp turn towards Nationalism. Globalism is in its last leg everywhere else.
November 3rd elections may have contradicted it according to some, but in reality, it did not. The overall trend in the world clearly shows Globalism is facing a big challenge from Nationalism.
Hence, it is about the time it will also start taking roots in Germany before it is too late. The biggest economy of the European Union must adjust itself in order to find its rightful place in the 21st century.
Germany: Globalist Angela Merkel
The globalists consolidated power in Germany when Angela Merkel became Chancellor in 2005. 15 years later, Germany finds itself isolated in Europe. The globalists have no one but themselves to blame for this turn of events.
The demise of the globalists in Germany is the end result of their policies. Under the German leadership, they welcomed everyone with open arms in the European Union, especially radicals from everywhere. Over time, these radicals became part of the culture in the country and the Union. The problem arose when they started to make demands and never compromised.
They effectively and primarily took the country hostage. Germany began to reflect this change in character with its policies towards friends and foes. Nothing sat well from there on with most countries it was working with. Everything basically started to become confrontational.
The other problem was the fact that globalism was late. The globalists never noticed that nationalism started to take root in China, in the Middle East and in North America since 2010. In America, Barack Obama delayed the trend by eight years.
Not until Corona in 2020, globalists in Europe never fully realized that the boat had already left the port. In other words, globalism not only came to Germany with Merkel too late but also stayed too long.
New Chancellor: Globalist No More
It is no surprise that Chancellor Merkel promptly announced, well-ahead, her decision not to run in 2021. Who will replace her most likely will also determine the destiny of continental Europe. Yet, there is a pretty good chance a more nationalist figure will come to help to stem the tied.
Russia and Turkey are vivid examples to heed the message for Germany. They are two main partners and counterparts of Germany. Together, they have already an ongoing balance of power in place.
They are to make the world more stable as they find their groove and adjust to one another better over time. The only thing that is the odd man out is the fact that while Russia and Turkey are nationalists, Germany remains globalist.
That puts Germany at a disadvantage and it is reflected in the erosion of its authority and prestige in the old continent. Recent frustrations of France against “New Turkey” are one example.
For Germany not being able to answer promptly during the Corona crisis is yet another. Italy and Spain sought help from the likes of China and New Turkey instead.
Simply put, China, Russia and Turkey have long begun pursuing nationalism and they already made great strides. Consequently, they are not leaving luxury for Germany not to shed globalism and jump on the nationalism bandwagon.
Time For Greater Germany
Predictions are that the European Union will drop 13 “less desirable” members and unify around “Greater Germany.” Going from a 27 member union to a 14 member consolidation will make the third pillar of the triumvirate.
New Turkey is the new face of the modern Republic of Turkey. In the 21st century, it is ready to take on board these soon-to-be-dropped 13 members in a quasi union. The Russian Federation, on the other hand, had long set its course towards the 2030s in the company of New Turkey.
New Turkey: Good Example
Greater Germany, New Turkey and the Russian Federation are to endure an interdependent decade.
New Turkey, incorporating 13 former members of the Union under a sphere of influence, is a good measuring stick for Germany. New Turkey with these additions will neither be an empire nor an expansionist power. It will not even be a formal union but only a cluster of states around a center state that can deliver.
Greater Germany in that respect has to mirror what New Turkey is to become for the rest of Europe. It has to remain as a central state that can continue to deliver to a cluster of states. Nothing like the “Greater Germany” of the past century like the Third Reich or the European Union.
Honest Broker: Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck was Chancellor of the German Empire from 1871 until 1890. He ushered unified Germany to the 20th century. Unfortunately, some interpreted it as the making of more than that.
The European Union became an alternative to quell imperial ambitions of the 19th century. By now, the 20th-century experiment is also long completed. The concept of globalism now is facing the realities of the new century.
Nationalism is back and stronger than ever before. What began with Bismarck more than a century later is about to enter into a new phase. Greater Germany with a cluster of states around how Bismarck had started the journey then.
The only difference is that Germany went through lots of trials and tribulations ever since. Looking back, Bismarck’s nationalist goals did not go in vain. Greater Germany finally soon arrive to deliver greater good with greater Germany. So long as of course, the majority in Germany were to say sooner than later: “Germany: Globalist No More!”