By 2020, Turkey has long proved to the world that it is already a domineering economic and military regional power.
What Turkey has recently achieved in Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Libya, Eastern Mediterranean Sea is one thing. What countries Turkey faced and successfully countered, and all alone, is even more remarkable to note. Let us list the countries in Alphabetic order so the combined, albeit not coordinated, power of the countries in question can be envisioned.
They are Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, the Russian Federation, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, United States of America. Yes, Turkey countered a dozen countries, each one of them is a powerhouse in its own right, ranging from the rouge Syria to the superpower America and ever the menace Russia or the powerhouses of the European Union.
So, what is that mean? It simply means that Turkey is a domineering economic and military regional power and every one of these dozen countries knows it full well. Its reach extends from the Indian Ocean to Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea in the north and all of the northern coastline of Africa and everything that Eastern Mediterranean Sea has a coastline.
This definition in itself is a testament that Turkey matters for the region but also beyond that like for the rest of the Middle East or Central Asia or the European Union or the Russian Federation, but more importantly for the United States of America.
In view of what the modern Republic of Turkey has become in the past two decades when America lost the grip of the world more and more and day and day in the hands of the Globalist administrations, now there are all the reasons in the world for Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Donald J. Trump of the United States of America to work together.
First of all, Turkey can do even more in Syria, Iraq, and Iran with US logistic support. Not that Turkey needs to do anything much more than it already did in Syria or Iraq or against Iran, it is not the case for the US. Without Turkey, the US cannot achieve, what it still needs to achieve, in either one of these countries, not to mention the security of Israel.
The other reason is what the United States can gain in Africa with Turkey on board as staunch and strategically. Since Turkey has a full range of goals to achieve across the dark continent, it is pertinent for the US to jump on board with Turkey. Libya is a good example where Turkish might recently was displayed, but it is not the only one.
Somalia is the other country where Turkey is at home like it will soon become in Libya. Mind you, ever since the Arab Spring, the combined power of the above-listed dozen countries could not bring peace to Libya never mind under the direct control of any one of them when Turkey did it in mere few months by brute force, implemented with sophistication, plus lots of diplomatic leverage and brinkmanship.
So, to conclude, since Erdogan and Trump are already on the same page ever since November 2018 and since they have already overcome lots of small and large obstacles and pitfalls, come November 4th, two countries can embark on a new venture together. Erdogan, by then, will have three more years in power, with an election to give him one last five-year mandate, when Trump will have his own four years and legacy for the Trump Revolution to continue for eight more thereafter.
That is plenty of time for two leaders to achieve a lot in the Middle East and Africa and everything in between and with ease. Imagine, what could be achieved when a domineering regional economic and military power joins forces with the only superpower of the world, under the leadership of two Nationalistic, Homeland First, and Free and Fair Trade minded, above average, experienced, gutsy, loyal presidents?